Sunday, May 3, 2015

5 tips for all “soon to be” freshman in college:

5 tips for all “soon to be” freshman in college:

1.    Don’t fret over all the drama that consumed your life in high school.
High school is the time of your life where you switch friend groups many times, have a different boyfriend each year that “you’re going to spend the rest of your life with”, and have many love/hate relationships with fellow classmates and THAT’S OKAY! Fast forward a few years and you’re finally in college and many miles away from Sally the head cheerleader or Rick your boyfriend who just so happens to be the captain of the football team. The problems that seemed to be “life or death” in high school seem so small in college.  In high school, you are a big fish in a small pond. In college, you are a small fish in a huge pond. So don’t worry about who “hated” you in high school or who didn’t accept you because you weren’t “as cool” as them. College is a time to meet friends who will be in your life forever, learn your stance on many different views (politics, religion, etc.), and most importantly enjoy the ride.

2.    Be prepared.
Being prepared for college is one of the first tasks you must tackle to be successful. College is a whole new ballgame when it comes to professors, class lectures, and studying. First off, don’t think that your college professor is going to know your name and actually care if you pass or fail because that is wishful thinking. College professors aren’t like “Mrs. White from American History” who loved you dearly and let you makeup the exam you missed because you had a cold. You must be disciplined in every aspect of college because before you know it you will have 2 papers, 4 exams, and 2 presentations all in ONE week. Stay calm and prioritize. This means PLANNERS PLANNERS PLANNERS! Every student in college should have a planner with all of the dates off of the syllabus inputted into the calendar. This makes life easier because when you look at your planner you think to yourself “Okay self, I have a college algebra exam Monday, a speech due Tuesday, and a group project due Wednesday.” After you have a mini panic attack, you sit down and prioritize when you will do each assignment.

3.    Choose your friend group responsibility.
The girl you met in your history class that is always late/absent, has multiple bar stamps on each hand, and has a boy’s oversized T shirt on probably shouldn’t be your first pick for a best friend if you want to be successful in college. Yes, going out to free drinks once a week and having a huge headache during your 8 AM class is totally acceptable, but you must be disciplined and responsible. With that being said, you should know when you can go out and when you should probably stay in and study (even though it may seem like EVERYONE is partying that night). For example, you shouldn’t go to free drinks the night before a presentation worth 25% of your grade is due. So, what this means is find a happy medium. Find friends who will pull all-nighters with you to study for that Anatomy exam, but will also celebrate with you after you kick that exams butt!

4.    Stay true to yourself.

This sentence basically defines itself.
Be you.
Don’t let your views and morals become blurred just because you want everyone to like you. You know the person you want to be in life so don’t let too many free drinks lead you in the wrong direction. In college, you have more freedom than you have ever had and knowing right from wrong will lead you to success (even though it may seem like it is just making you a party pooper).  This seems like one of the hardest things to conquer your freshman year because everything is new and exciting. Now, as a freshman in college, if you stay out until 2am and spend the night with a boy your parents will never know, but just because you wont get in trouble for it anymore doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do. You know how your momma raised you and 99% of the time if your mother would not approve of your situation you shouldn’t be doing it.

5.    Don’t be afraid to show people you miss them (AKA your parents)

Your parents were there during your first few steps, when you got your first pimple, and as you walked across the stage at graduation so don’t let the freedom of college allow you to forget about them. Make sure to tell your parents you love them every day because tomorrow isn’t promised. In college, you encounter many situations that make you think, “Wow, my mom was right about that all along”. And guess what? She will be right a million more times in your life. Even though it may seem like your parents are “too old” to know what you are talking about, college quickly proves you wrong. History repeats itself. Even in your parent’s time, there were parties, boy’s who only want one thing, and 8 AM classes that seem impossible to go to. Whatever the situation is, I promise, your parents have been through it. So confide in them for advice and guidance because they are your #1 cheerleaders and want nothing but good things for you.

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