Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

5 reasons why you should thank your mother:

1.    She's the strongest woman you have ever met.

She has been through many situations and experiences throughout her lifetime, but she has never once chose to be the victim in any situation. When things don't go her way she stops, prays about it, and moves on. She never trash talks anyone to you, thinks she's better than anyone, or tries to act like someone's she's not. You strive to be that positive and have her to thank for making you the strong women you are today.

2.    She will do anything to help you succeed in life.

She is so proud of every accomplishment you achieve and odds are she doesn't get the "thank you" she deserves. She was the one who pushed you past what you thought you could do, never allowed you to settle for less than you deserved, and always pushed you to be the better person in any given situation. Without her you would not be the woman you are today. So thank her for that.

3.   She always listens to you vent about any given topic.

She is the one who you can go to and tell anything to without judgment and ridicule. So you call her daily and vent about your professor or your boyfriend because you know she will just sit there and listen (& occasionally tell you that you are over reacting), but she deserves a thank you for this because she puts down whatever she is doing to listen to you.

4.    She has always told you how beautiful you were and truly meant it.

Your mom has always reassured you every time you felt less than worthy. Your mom sees your true beauty, not just your appearance, but also every attribute that makes you, YOU. She brags about you any chance she gets, whether it is posting one of the selfies you sent her on Facebook or telling her coworkers how proud she is of you. You will never find anyone else who actually sees your true beauty. So thank her for that and makes sure she knows how beautiful you think she is as well. 

5.    She taught you about the “bigger picture” in life.

Every time you’d come home upset because of something that happened at school she reassured you that there is more to life than what people think of you. When you went through your “I hate high school and this town phase” she reassured you that there is more to life than your little high school, but while you are there enjoy it because you will miss it later on.

Mom's are truly a blessing and have one of the hardest jobs out there (raising us). Don't forget to appreciate them and let them know how loved they really are. 

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! 

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